Review/Opinion - Starfield - Enormous - Ambitious And..... Boring


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Let's clarify one thing before starting this review, if you read the title then you probably will think that I'm a hater for Xbox and a member of those strange Twitter consoles fighters.

But no, just as I played Final Fantasy 16 (a PS5 exclusive) and didn't find it that amazing, the same applies right here so with that aside let's start.

Another clarification, I didn't beat the game two times and to be honest I rushed a really big part of the story to finish it faster and find why the new game plus was so popular in the gaming community.

So I don't have a great knowledge of the diversity that new game plus can offer, only some hours here and there and nothing else so if you want a little more info about it then you will need to seek somewhere else (I don't spoil on my reviews).

Let's take a walk to the unknown

Obviously we won't be spoiling anything important for anyone interested in the story.

TL;DR Section:

Chronicles Conclusion:

Recommended (With Gamepass)


Good gameplay

Giant selection of skills

Certain locations are on point

Some principal quests are amazing



Exploration is useless and boring

90% Of The Planets Have Nothing

Boring for the first 10-15 hours

The Story:

Let's be honest here, the story is basically Skyrim over again (at least for the beggining hours) you're the choosen one or something near, you  happen to touch the mystic stone and sail away on adventure, change, save or destroy whatever you can and overall the classic Bethesda game, but stay with me a minute.

The story isn't the principal focus, I know that it sounds strange but this is basically a collectaton, the diverse groups are the most important thing that drives your journey, you have a lot of options and if you're similar to me then you will have to be the absolute best on every last one of them.

Missions delivered by the organizations are strangely good, it's hard to put it in few words but they're "fun" and you have a healthy gamma of options but they're not the principal story so let's get to it.


Honestly first, I never put the story over the explore and see whatever the world can offer but this game is different.

Up to this day you probably have already seen that a common opinion is that you must play the first 15 hours to get to the good parts.

This is true and a big disappointment because the beggining and first few "important" missions are a complete drag to play and this never have to be a rule, the game must be good from the beginning, yeah not exactly show all your cards at once but at least let us have a little fun.

The story has some good and marvelous moments that almost make worthy all those hours of playing the fetch me something game or kill everything in this rock but for me wasn't the case.

Moments before the disaster

To clarify in a more detailed way, if you're interested in this game then you probably will have fun but if you had absolutely hype then it won't live the expectation.

The idea of storing the interesting bits of the principal quest behind a wall of 15 hours at least is familiar to something tried by ExoPrimal in a more subtle way.

The Npcs aren't that interesting but the factions worth a run, so keep that in mind before installing it (the great advantage is that you can pay for gamepass and try it by yourself.

The quests feels more complex than older Bethesda Rpgs and the variety of ways of solving one situation makes me feel like a Deus Ex game, all said this is one of the best stories in Bethesda but far from the current level that some games have reached.

The story works as a guided travel to all the important planets

Sidequests are as basic as you can imagine so that's not exactly useful to talk about but they work for grind money or xp, nothing more.

They're basic but servicing, some quests can show a nice story but they're harmless.

The Exploration&Ship:

This is by far the worse experience in the game and it's pretty obvious if you were paying attention to the advertisement of the game.

A good 1000 of planets are in this game for you to explore, every one of them has something, in paper that sounds impressive, in game? Disappointing.

Starting from the very basics of exploring space, our ship is a hard topic to discuss but we need to have this conversation.

You only can control the ship on space (far from any planet) and the space fights are basic and plain for a while but slowly gets better, not anything to write home about but is functional and fine.

You can't get too nearby to a planet without using the "fast travel"

With that aside, the exploration on foot has s good and bad side too.

For instance, the different facilities, cities and overall every big city are mostly ugly and don't work well with the interiors.

A house from the outside and the inside don't have a good relationship in between, they're as different as water and oil, I can ignore that but is a point to take in consideration.

You will be visiting a wide variety of scenarios but some of them are highly repetitive, the enemies are pretty much normal pirates and monsters some times, that works and is fun to fight them, we have a good variety of weaponry for all tastes.

This isn't what I expected for a high tech/Spacial town

Next we have the procedure planets and the predefined with "points of interest".

You can visit almost any planet but you can only explore them by foot and from a specific designed location so the game quickly become a marathon simulator for seeking points of interest that can be craters with absolutely nothing.

Our Earth is visitable but I won't speak more about it, only that with a land vehicle some important problems would be easily solved.

The loot too is much easier and also better quality to just kill enemies &loot them than crafting or buying them.

You will see this screen a lot

In brief resume, the exploration lacks everything that made Fallout or Skyrim great, a fun and reward factor, this game being less ambitious and more detailed could have been a game for the ages.

Having 10-20 highly polished planets instead of 1000 soulless ones sounds far less impressive but updates exists so a procedure generator of planets could have been an amazing update for the new game plus or a new section, I don't know.

To end this, I must talk about the details of the new game plus, nothing story wise but the game sell it with a reason that I personally liked a lot but only worked as a concept, a little more in the oven and that could have been one of the best new game+ that I had ever seen.

Thanks for reaching the end of this installment of the project.

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