Exoprimal - Review - When The Hate Blinds Opinions


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For all that follow the TL;DR
Chronicles Conclusion: Recommended

Lot of content
Fun and addictive gameplay
An actually good story for a "game for service multiplayer"
Enemy variety
Not aggressive pay to win approach
A promising road map

Content locked behind a high number of play time
Not so diverse game modes for first 5-10 hours
Unskippable In-game Cutscenes if you already saw them.

Hello dear readers, welcome to the new experiment of Capcom.

I have to say that the first few teasers awaken in me the need of a Dino Crisis Remake sadly that was only hope.

Anyway let's dive in to see if the game worth every time I hoped that was a Dino Crisis.

Also I don't hate the game for not being DC, it's only a personal opinion and in the team we talked a lot about it so in the end we decided to play it before talking about how bad it is.

Maybe it wasn't so bad and was actually a good opportunity to make the multiplayer game that Capcom tried to do a lot of times (For some reason, because they already do excellent multiplayer coop games, just look to Monster Hunter).

The game has good ideas with the "game for service" style that I don't exactly like

The Story:

This is when the game starts having this "personality problem" because actually has a story and it's not as bad as I expected.

There are interesting bits and the lore works wonders with the context of the actual games.

The beginning is actually pretty good but let's dive in to an extended explanation.

You start on the creation of your avatar or "Ace" for the bros , a little explanation of the world and soon you find yourself crashing on a dangerous situation, literally speaking and also as a metaphor.

To this point the game makes the stand of a classic campaign with a world to explore, a exceptional dangerous situation and a protagonist that can take care of things.

To this point all good but then you discover than when the prologue cinema ends, that's it, welcome to the lobby.

I can't begin to describe the disappointment that I felt, finding that after a couple of games you "unlock" new cinemas and that push this "story" ahead, is important to say that the diverse games that you will be playing will push the story and some of the best parts of the game are on this "Unique objectives".

The problem with them is that the game expects you to play blindly a lot of times for these surprises and that's not a good way to engage the average player.

You have a crew, characters to meet with unique personalities and the lore is actually good but is kinda hard to take a liking to the story because of the structure.

The story as a whole page is not near as bad and bland as some reviews tend to put it, I found the lore gets along very well with the gameplay but they tend to put only some bits of cinematics now and then and the only "progress" that you actually see are the analysis map, works and nothing more, the meat stays on the wargames.

The first 6 to 8 hours you probably will see three or four cinemas and a mission that gets the story forward escorting certain character, the game goes the long way and makes you feel that this mission is actually pretty unique and epic but when you play it four or five times an hour later, this charm is lost a little.

Nice surprise by the way, I really believed the situations that the game puts when this type of surprises make an appearance.

The game knows exactly how to make epic moments and fights but they're very spaced before you unlock them

To end this section I just want to make a recommendation, the game tends to have a very bad pacing.

I mean, all the content is blocked by the story progression and your own level without a way to know when you will see something new, the only way is to continue playing wargames.

The problem with this style of progress is that the average person will play a couple of matches hopefully and the impression that they will get is that it's content are extremely poor and only after 2 or 3 games the repetitive loop will be the conclusion.

The game don't ever tell you that a lot of the interesting parts are behind some wall and if you continue playing this will be rewarded later without previous advice.

                               You will be part of an interesting loop if you click with the gameplay

The gameplay:

The facts are that the animations are well crafted, the feeling when you're fighting a swarm of dinos it's well done, the gun gameplay is fine but I won't talk about builds or skills because they're fairly simple, you have 3 classes, damage, tanks or supports but at the same time there are dps that can also work as tanks and tanks that has a lot of damage, just to say an example.

We have a third-person shooter with Pve&Pvp content mixed on the same game, strange but functional to say the least.

I won't talk about the style of gameplay or strategic planning, I think that there's maybe some of that and you can work with.

After I played a couple of games I learned some of the spawns and the general path to follow, the average tip is to concentrate on fast and efficient ways to cover all the ground, remember that you win by objectives, it's basically a time trial.

The RE engine continues being versatile and looking well

Let's explain the situation, you have only one mode of game and little variations on the first hours, the only selection that you have are for the final mission, finish the game with a pvp with objectives fight or a time trial of completing objectives(or random for bonus exp).

The problem starts with having so little game time is that a lot of players don't experiment the whole content, as I was saying before, I was sitting at 7 hours of gameplay and just then I had my first "story" objective and I started to see more advanced Dinos and the quality of the matches improved a lot.

Don't have a doubt, this game has a lot of content and some diverse game modes but they're locked behind advancing the story&leveling up, it's okay for some people but for others the repetitive games will be the nail that seals the coffin of playing the best content locked ahead..

The crossover is real

You play a competitive game for points, winning them killing the Dino swarms, defending objectives, killing a specific Dino or some surprises ahead.

The first one of the games probably will be killing a number of dinos and then pushing a cube, all with the pressure of the competition for finishing them, then you diverge in two paths, the team who won or the team who finished later, this don't mean that the teams will have different objectives, this means that the losing team will be getting some help from the game.

For starters a dominator(A powerful dino that a player control) and the other help is a mini event when you kill dinos and depending on the numbers you will raise the swarms of dinos of the enemy team.

The teamwork is basic for survival, the balance of a team is a necessity to win the match

They already have experience on this type of race with "Safi'ji'va" on MHW Iceborn and not exactly worked great but was a siege on different fronts, and they replicated the idea but at the end they did a twist that works very well for my opinion.

When the race finishes, the teams get involved in the "convergence" of the universes and the normal Pvp starts between the two teams if you selected the pvp variation or random, if you choosed the pve, a time trial will be instead.

This is by far the most interesting part of the game with the two teams already invested on the match, the losing team trying to get even and win, for the other part the team ahead fighting to win on the ending push.

On this point a serious balance problem makes an appearance, the losing team will receive help if they're behind by 2 minutes or two seconds, making an even fight very hard for the winning team if the losing team gets a dominator on an important pvp moment.

The diversity of exo suits are great, every one of them feel very unique, has an unique appearance and the skills works very well on combination

The Conclusions:
I don't think that the game deserves the hate that is getting, yes after a couple of matches, the repetitive nature will start to get evident but that's not exactly bad, the game has a lot of content in form of skill progression, the story or some modes that are interesting but the spoilers have to be at a minimum.

My conclusions are divided in two factors:

This game has a need of investing lots of hours for seeing all the content, the maps for today are minimal variations of city and jungle,(and the ruins but I had like 5 games on that map in 20 hours).

The dinos diversity isn't that great at first glance but when the more advanced dinos and events starts to get, the game feels by far more interesting, the gun gameplay and all aboard the diverse exos are well planned.

From now and then these unique missions from the story appears, these shows the potential but when you unlock them, they will start appearing like normal games but with the limitation of the unskippable  cinemas.

The chaos of a fight is a feeling that sits great with the capability of destruction that the exos have

The other point is that this game is accused for being extremely generic, that's completely false, but this game most big sin is being repetitive.

For some people this cycle are great because you're always upgrading your way to get the ultimate character, the games aren't boring for most of the time but the lack of some elements to make it more engaging will play against him in the near future.

In the end my overall opinion is that the game worth the try, it have good ideas but the implementations lack some more engaging content for the average player, this can change with the pass of time and updates.

See this and say to me that isn't glorious

The last thing to say is that the big paywall of a big AAA is a big wall to sort, on my opinion this game would be far better if the price was less or free to play, thankfully Xbox Game Pass do the trick.

 For those without the opportunity to play it on this service, my advice is to wait a bit for more updates or at least a discount if you're not so invested because the progress tends to drag a lot.

If you can, at least try the game and make your opinion, this is one of these games that only playing it will be the way of knowing if you like it.
I can attest that the game has more content that seen at first glance but not exactly worth the full price for the average person because they hardly will see all that the game has to offer.

Thanks for reaching the end I hope that my opinion helps in some way to decide if try it or not.

The story has an actual ending by the classic way and a boss fight, I can say that was worth the run but also I know that not everyone is on the mood to go all the way to the end

Anyway thanks for reading it hope you like it!
-The Chronicles Team

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