Retrospective - Red Dead Redemption 2 - The Evolution Of A Man That Couldn't Chose His Path


Rockstar Games
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Welcome to the new installment of our retrospectives, the legendary and arguably best game of the story (Subjective).

TL;DR Section:

Chronicles Conclusion:

Highly recommended


Very Rich World

Compelling and Emotional Story

Great Writting & Characters

Huge Attention To Details

Satisfying gun gameplay


Heavily slow pacing for the early hours

Repetitive Nature Of Some Sections

Fast travel works only from certain points

Some controls & animations are clunky (Realism)

As always, the spoilers will be mantained on a minimum or directly they won't exist.

So if you don't have played the game then don't worry, nothing that could spoil more than necessary will be here.

Oh yeah, this game works as chapters and every one changes something so don't advance the main story without doing everything you care to not lose

The Precedent Of Rockstar:

For anyone that had been in this world for a couple of years, then you understand about the impact that a rockstar game (of a directly development) do.

One of the most similar situation can be Dragon Quest on Japan but is not even close.

The point isn't to compare the social impact of every launch, only to clarify that we have a pretty special case on hand.

Since Red Dead Redemption 1, this universe got a pretty nice spot in the industry, add the Undead Nightmare dlc and we have a memorable experience up to this day.

When this game was announced, the hype was over the roof, a pretty high bar to cross and the reflectors were all over this game and the development.

The graphics are fenomenal

The Main Character Writting:

Over the chapters we experiment a lot of different scenarios but I think that the central point of everything is the empathy and immersion that you can feel with your protagonist.

*Spoiler alert for the early chapters Arthur 

For this point I will establish a lot of speculation, nothing harmful but for the sake of the argument that will work.

I played the first one and had the exact same pattern of being an honorable cowboy that shot on spot at anyone seeking trouble but not seeking trouble by myself so the contrast with Red Dead 2 was astonishing.

Arthur Morgan was the contrary to Marston, a real bandit with a bit of honor but a really hard pill to swallow (for me at least).

Morgan is not exactly a bad person and that is clarified right at the beginning but that doesn't mean that is a good guy too, is more like a circumstances person, he is on the way life chose for him, not the other way around.

It's a bandit but not by pure choice, a good number of circumstances were part of it

This is by far one of the best qualities of the game, Arthur is a very complex human, just like anyone of us, and we are going to see a lot about him in the process, I can confirm that you can get very attached so watch out.

Being able to talk beyond the classic good shoes guy and antagonize everyone feels natural and going to story missions where we aren't exactly the hero complement that part, we aren't one sided persons aren't we?

As a fact, that duality is great for establishing our protagonist but I would lie if I didn't say that I had a bad time empathizing with Arthur, since what I was in gameplay wasn't as I was on the story.

To explain in few words, the moral evolution and complex emotions of Arthur are the most strongest point of the game because taking absolutely everything in account, make them feel so real, and that's some amazing quality write technique.

Has a heart for it's people but not exactly a good person

With all said above, that could seem like a contradictory statement because I am saying that gameplay and story not goes along.

Trust me on this, that's exactly what the game wants you to do.

Over the game journey, we will be having a lot of development, as a character and as a person, not exactly being a better person in real life however if you have feelings then you will get some nice surprises.

While we are on a average cowboy story with bandits, that means problems with the law, a friendly or enemy gand and an excellent marksman as protagonist.

This isn't the focus of the game, it's the story always having something new to show and the slowly development of every character that feels so organic and real that's almost impossible to not empathize with at least one person.

Not everything is killing and looting, the diverse ways of doing things with our friends shine a lot

The Story Strong Points :

I consider that is little to say about this game that isn't done already and less taking in consideration that I don't use to spoil but there's a few points to get around.

By far the most important and interesting part of the game is the development of it's characters and the story is the mean to do that because of all the different situations that you have to sort out.

The episodic nature of the game makes for some great narrative arcs, a constant change of pacing and some difficult choices to make.

For anyone that don't have a clue about this game let me tell you a little context.

We are Arthur Morgan, a member of a bandits gang running away from a rob that got wrong, from that premise a whole lot of things happens.

Barehand fights in a bar, shooting across a town, running away from the police, stealing some values and a lot more, that's for gameplay value.

Who said a fist fight can't be dramatic

The constant shift of pacing works from certain points to motivate you to explore the giant world outside without much pressure (From a narrative point).

Gameplay wise the game will never limitate you in doing whatever you want after the earlier hours.

Don't sleep on this last part, the story is amazing but the other smaller stories can be of a huger impact that you could imagine and helps showing off different perspectives of the world we are exploring.

A Great Travel:

To end this retrospective, I want to bring into light some facts about the game.

The camp has a lot of improvements to do and some great events so don't sleep on it

The impact in the industry this game had was impossible to preview (the quality was to be expected) but in a critical viewpoint, this game elevated the quality of AAA games to a new height.

The graphics are beautiful, the audio are excellent, they really breathe life into the cast, the attention to detail is unreal and the world is one of the most rich I have ever seen in my more than 20 years of playing videogames.

Every corner there's something to see, a new quest to do or a mystery to solve (or not).

A lot of situations where you're not an active part to let you know that the world lives with you, not for you and for the more critical, every character has a daily routine depending who he is, not only the principal ones.

The npcs too go around doing chores, stop by the local store or bar and go home to sleep, you can follow them for curiosity but trust me they have a life.

Thanks for reaching the end!

I'm slowly shifting the style of retrospectives to be more about talking about the game and what are the most important things to know about it.

I know this means leaving the gameplay a little off but I'm not sure if I will continue like that or do an entire new section so stay tuned!

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