Retrospective - The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess - When Epicness Are Dark


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Welcome to a new installment of the project.

This time my favorite TLOZ game, Twilight Princess.

TL;DR Section:

Chronicles Conclusion:

Highly recommended (A little hard to play in these days, only on Wii&Wii U& GameCube)


Epic Story

The gameplay as a wolf is fun and interactive

Mature Story (Nothing too extreme)

Grim and sinister tone works well with the story being told

Overall Polished Gameplay

Some of the best items in the saga (The Beyblade)

Bosses are excellent (design and the fight itself)

Temples atmosphere are diverse and fun

Hyrule is awesome to explore

Awesome reference and swordmaster (Previous Hero Of Hyrule)

One of the best Links in terms of personality (I know that sounds strange as a silent protagonist but he constantly shows emotions, not common for the saga)


The tutorial and beginning zone are so long and not useful that loses it's charm pretty fast (sets the pace but overstay it's welcome)

More than 50% of items lose it's whole utility outside the corresponding temple

A lot of collectibles that doesn't are that fun to 100%

Some side characters don't get a reasonable development

For anyone a little old on the page, you already know about my favoritism with this entry and some vague reasons why.

Now it's the time to get critical and analyze if it's quality or I'm seeing through the glasses of nostalgia so let's get to it.

The game really feels like an epic tale, sensation that not even Tears Of The Kingdom made me feel (No hate)

The Story:

One of the most criticized points for this game is the beginning, feels more like Pokemon than Zelda and that's because of the really long and not so useful tutorial disguised as "mundane main quests".

Getting an item back from a monkey (learn to use the hawk) or getting a slingshot (aim tutorial) on paper seems good but in gameplay these things take like three or more hours of really mundane gameplay, really bad hit for replayability.

With the beginning aside, the whole game is excellent, the story starts with a Link living the peaceful life in Ordon, a small countryside town.

We are the helper of the local ranch, and we're ask to take a special delivery all the way to the castle of Hyrule, that's works as the premise.

Photo taken before the disaster

By a large quantity of coincidences, Link goes seeking a monkey far in the forest and sees that not everything is normal.

Some time later we find ourselves entering into the local "fountain of water" and then happens.

A giant goblin attack us and our friend here, obviously Link is no warrior and falls very quickly, also he's a hero so when it's back on it's feet we really start the adventure, but not without seeing some interesting cinematics.

This is where the game presents the main mechanic of the game, the "Twilight Zones" by Link triforce we are transformed into a sacred Wolf but at cost of really debilitating us so we end captured.

I repeat, this game is full of epic sequences

After another tutorial zone (now it's a good one), certain meetings with important characters and an epic escape, we are back on our feet and ready to crush the world.

The map rapidly starts opening up after all the initial sequence, a while of going here and there and we're in our first temple but that's a little far from the beginning so let's dive in.

We're in a constant flow of Link and Wolf Link and the mix works in an excellent way but has some limitations (at least for some time).

Forgot to mention, the game don't limit itself showing the enemies decimating Hyrule

The first of them is that story wise, we can't be in human form inside twilight zones but we can be a wolf on the normal world. 

No worries this works wonders for certain situations like being attacked by your own friends, doing some sick parkour or see things that others can't, use the special nose of a wolf and in general that's it.

We can interact with both worlds in different ways.

Twilight zones rules are that you can see the people on the other side but they can't see us, only shadows and monsters, this is interesting and precedes some good interactions and dialogues.

When you see this, you know it's serious

To end this section I must repeat, the game focuses a lot on the epic side of the story more than a classic adventure.

Constant dangerous situations and being victorious is normal but the people will witness or and react to those actions.

In a Zelda game that isn't normal (neither today) but it's a nice change of pace to be the hero and also be recognized in the process.

I built the general idea of the game and let me say again that is more epic than adventurous so the experience can be different to the other Zeldas.

Poor dude...

To end this section is the most "mature Zelda" on the whole saga.

Art design has some flaws, principally on the faces of some side characters but talking strictly for the story, the tone and pace being more grim and sinister worked like a charm so that's a ten in my book.

The World & Gameplay:

The gameplay is pretty basic stuff to be honest, straight up 3D Zelda game so not much to say about it.

Best explain the gimmicks and new mechanics like the wolf implementations and moves, the diverse enemies and mechanics so here we go.

In certain way is similar to Dark World Of A Link Between Worlds and A Link To The Past but this game has a more sinister tone in the fear that the Npcs demonstrates 

As explained previously, the normal population inside twilight zones, can't see the monsters and only hear them or see shadows but we can.

Commonly you will be fighting the ones of the cinema of Hyrule Castle, this is more as a puzzle than a fight because you must beat'em at the same time or they revive each other.

The battle arenas change from time to time so they're a nice addition to the mechanics of the game, also they're the mark for some ambushes to make tension appear or unlock portals that works as fast travel.

Some areas changes dramatically so we need to be creative to transverse them

The rest of the game works pretty similar to the rest of the saga.

A constant cycle of entering a temple, finish it then do a sequence of steps to enter another one and keep at it, eventually get the master sword, a couple more of temples and final fight, standard.

Obviously it's a pretty poor way of explanation, the steps are pretty good and sometimes you don't even know how your actions will impact your adventure but they will do.

For example this game has some exciting sequences like fighting in sumo vs a Goron, fight in an epic mission of rescue on a giant and dangerous bridge or travel in time to a temple beyond Links era.

Note that I'm not even talking about our respective adventures into the twilight

To end this section, we have our casual side quests, some for a piece of heart, others for money or collectibles and the best ones for specific items or advancing the story of a character.

Just as a glimpse you can help to open a shop in the city, repairing a bridge or improving your bombs with our local supplier.

The content is there, not everything is as polished as I would like it to be but we have a good mix, plus a reason to constantly explore the world.

Actually we have a way of getting new moves for our Link and they're pretty useful and definitely worth the run so keep an eye out for this golden wolf
(A good reference to previous entries)

In Conclusion:

The retrospective came as one of the longest of all the project and I have a lot to things to talk about but maybe for another opportunity, for today I want to condense everything in a few lines.

The game is awesome don't ever doubt it but Wind Waker being so different on tone and ambience (A inundated Hyrule), took the mantle as the most iconic Zelda of that era.

For me I like this one a lot more but I know is subjective so I exposed my thoughts.

The epic tone of the adventure, a mature Link, a sinister aura around this Hyrule, certainly remembers a little about Majora's Mask.

The reunions are more as a emotional side of the game

The difference are than this is a full length game, if you have the opportunity or Nintendo listen my prayers and make a remaster or remake then try it, you won't be disappointed.

See y'all! I'm off to probably start another playthrough

Thanks for reaching the end, we have a lot of content on the table so stay tuned for more!

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