5 Games That Gave Us Post Game Depression - Feelings Detector


Sad Logo Edition

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We will be doing tops and rankings that may vary a lot by the topics that we're going to have or suggestions from our followers so stay tuned for more in our social media.

Don't forget to check out our other reviews with interesting messages like The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood and Final Fantasy XVI.

The top can go from sagas to sole entries so nothing can be left out, an idea or a whole game.

Also they're not in a particular order of importance but the first place will be an personal favorite, so far that will be the unique characteristic of this order.

No major spoilers are in order for anyone that wants to try one of the games below and still be surprised, but there will be spoilers here and there for the sake of the top, nothing to be afraid.

So with nothing more to add let's get started.

5.- The Last Of Us

The one and only

To nobody surprise this game is on the top, honestly I don't get the full picture of why this game is so praised, yeah the game is good but the strongest point is the writting quality.

The characters and story is very well designed but the gameplay loop is very simple and repetitive, area by area full of enemies and then some minor scenes to repeat everything again.

With that aside the story touches some very basic emotions like the parental love and the sadness of losing someone dear.

Starting the game is a moment that must be praised because works so well and point out the style and tone of the adventure, the development of the characters carries the game and have the praises than it deserves.

The ending has a whole pack of heat that slowly grows up across the game, you can easily predict what is going to happen but is so organic (ignoring the fact of letting her go in the first place).

Without concrete spoilers, this game gives PGD because it's inevitable to feel attached to the characters and connect with the protagonists so here we are, highly recommended story.

4.- Nier Automata:

Melancholy as a game

If I could describe this game with only a word that would be Depression.

This game is a masterpiece, from the gameplay, mechanics and story, the writting is clean and the build up is a giant nuke that we slowly unravel just to feel the hit in the near future.

If you don't know this game don't be scared, the game don't try to make you feel bad or sad, in my whole playthrough (not only once) the game didn't made me feel like crying all the way, it's more like a slow emotional side that grows up on you.

Also the game has some comedic points that are pretty good but they don't compete with the overall tone of the game, a game that will shake you from a little to somewhere middle hard but nothing that a normal person wouldn't bear.

3.- Red Dead Redemption 2:

A cowboy simulator that slowly make us grow feelings

There is probably nothing that I can say about this game that isn't out there already but I will be giving my best shot in here.

We have an amazing writting quality and that shows across the entire game, the beginning is very slow and does a good job pacing the story but that doesn't mean is effective immediately.

The fact that the game don't have to start on a high note and a very interested success passed recently (The bank assault that went wrong) the story never has the intention of changing the sloe pace.

With this, the game goes the long way telling us a story but always providing us with a freedom that makes a well crafted mix, the gang slowly starts feeling like a great group with all the interactions and missions that we do, they feels organic and so the feelings that can appears.

An excellent ending and a epilogue that connects games are the perfect way of saying goodbye with little left to say, letting an huge hole in our hearts.

2.- Persona Series:

Highschool if it was epic
The two last posts share a lot in common but they're fairly different to be taken in a separate basis.

Persona is the classic Jrpg that follows a gigantic length story around 80-100 hours but has some qualities that make the pace very enjoyable.

First of all, the story, in every Persona (yes even 1 and 2) the story is very important and is well written but with Persona 3 the quality flight across the roof to the sky

With that said is pretty common the slow beggining and the lot of tutorials but with that aside we have at least 80 hours of quality.

The social links and your team are the heart of the PGD, you can see, experience, interact or simply chat with them and they will feel like real friends when the story ends, the PGD is hard on this one, the hours that you can get in are pretty much satisfying and your party is the most interesting folks of the cast.

1.- Mass Effect:

A family across a videogame

If you don't know ME then you have to play them, at least the original trilogy, it's a great shooter/Rpg with a story that you can control to certain extent.

I won't talk much about this game because the spoilers are hard to left out but let me summarize.

You're Shepard, the commander of the Normandy and you have the power of decision on almost every matter across the saga.

Shepard has it's own personality but you help keeping a constant personality or taking serious drifts around decisions, your own morale is the window.

Across three games you will be having a constant party, a giant wave of interactions and every one of them is excellently writted, making you feel like you really know them and they know you.

Every decision that you make have consequences, good or bad but your crew will always have your back and entering the second or third game then all of them will feel like a giant family.

I cannot make more clearer why this game make us feel a giant PGD without touching spoilers.

The last thing that I will say is that if you play the saga, be ready to play one of the best dlcs in the entire industry, Citadel (Mass Effect 3).

It's a love letter for all the fans, from a lot of references to different missions across the three games to a very peculiar way of interactions between the characters, it's by far one of my favorite things about the whole saga and the entirely length made me keep a smile so big that at the end made sore a bit my face.

I won't be tired of recommending this saga but making a review of the three games is a lot of time that I currently don't have but in the future I absolutely will do it so stay tuned.

Bonus - Minecraft:

Who didn't played with a few friends over the years a single world

This is pretty easy at least for me, I time to time (once every two or three years) I boot up my old Xbox 360 and explore across my old worlds.

That's a nostalgic hit so hard that sometimes tears are in order because the memories of these maps will live with me today to my last day.

Basically pointing out that the worlds that you play with your friends over the years will be memories in the future and in this case you can explore them years later to relieve them.

Maybe is pretty subjective so I left it as a little bonus but what on this post isn't at least a bit subjective, it's impossible.

Anyway thanks for reaching the end hope that you liked this new section.

Little spoiler, review is on the works

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