Preview - Lies Of P - A Grim Tale On A Strange World


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Welcome to a new installment of the series, this time we will be checking out the demo of Lies Of P on Xbox Series S.

The Story:

We are passing through a catastrophic scenario in a world were the puppets are robots/officers/general population, strange but interesting.

The puppets are out of control and are out there killing whatever moves, but they have a certain weakness aside of the physical ones, they can't lie.

From the demo alone this seems to be a pretty interesting bit of unique perspective of this world, the security system straight up asks if you are a puppet and they can't lie so are slowly getting destroyed (Demo Preview).

The scenarios are pretty rich of details and we have a interesting world, grim, sinister and dangerous
That's all from the demo, to be honest I'm pretty interested on this side of the game because it's genuinely an unique approach of a decaying world.

The Gameplay:

We have a particular protagonist, to anyone that don't know the tale, well you must go and read it, for the rest we all know who we are playing as.

The game has special interest on the "Lies" mechanics because we are the only one that can say them "reference of the original story" and from the demo we are going on a trip seeking Geppetto.

The world is pretty sinister and we all know who certain characters are like the little cricket that accompany us in a lamp like item.
We have three options for starting the game, a classic sword, a rapier or a heavier claymore like sword, every one with particular skills, also remember this is only a demo

We have the Dark Souls style of gameplay, explore a zone filled with enemies, unique environments, diverse gear, consumables, weapons, you name it.

Also the cures are cells that work like estus with the little variation of every time you are left without them, you can charge one of them fighting enemies, just in case.

Each enemy we kill and certain items will net you points to level up and also are the currency of the game.

Then we have the checkpoints (Stargazers) and after a while the unique bosses, the most interesting experience of this genre.

Last we have the legion arm, similar to Sekiro, we have an interchangeable arm that across the demo let's you test 3 different ones.

For example the harpoon and the direct hit with the pure arm are two variants for different things (use the direct hit with the second boss to see it)

We can also repair our weapons pretty fast and on the spot with the grinder

The Boss fights:

I found them to be pretty good, imponent enemies that makes you feel the danger, at least for the demo they're pretty well done.

Typical fight of a giant bar of health and also way different attacks and style than the normal enemies so they're on the right track.

All the way to the second boss I used the dodge constantly for better position every fight, only saying.

Pretty menacing

For the second boss I almost beated it first try but things got a little sideways without cures and well I died.

That's when I entered the spiral of defeat for around 5 times before I started using the parry correctly.

I think this is the gateway boss for being comfortable with the mechanics, the parry is more convenient for certain enemies.

The dodge is almost like another parry(a little side step with low I frames) but works wonders for another type of attacks.

A very easy victory when I got comfortable with the parry 

In Conclusion:

For a new IP taking the time to make a quality product is pretty hard but here we are with a demo that promises a lot and has the meat to back it up.

Seems like a good game and a great addition to the genre so don't sleep on this, specially if you have gamepass.

Thanks for reaching the end, that's will be everything for today, we are greatly invested on this game so we will be checking it out when the full release is on.

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