Mini Review/Retrospective - Spec Ops The Line - Between Justice And Ego


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TL;DR Section

Chronicles Conclusion:

Mildly Recommended


Engaging story

Very mature themes 

Characters development is interesting to see


Very repetitive

Combat is way more basic than other games of the age

Game drags a lot sometimes

Scenarios are very repetitive

Squad orders aren't exactly useful

From this time on we will be working with more than one section at the same time (if the game design fits), and this will be the first because the game is pretty basic on certain things and way complex on another's.

Check out other reviews with interesting messages like The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood and Final Fantasy XVI.

To nobody secret we are currently living through hard and strange times on the world, between the internet that changed forever or way of contacting someone to investigate new topics or see the news on different "channels", this game came as a bomb for these times.

We will touch spoilers based on the story, but nothing so critical to kill the surprises of playing the story but I will let a small review section with big spoilers at the very end for anyone that wants to know my opinions on this criticized story.

For starters the principal menu will change across the story chapters ends

The Story:

We are on a distopic universe where Dubai was destroyed by the sandstorms, in the beginning we get a background about a military group highly respected that disappeared.

Delta is our team, leadership falls on Walker our protagonist and we are send on a recon mission for Dubai outskirts and then communicate our findings to determine what the army will do.

The story is pretty basic in structure, we are passing through chapters divided by loading screens and cinemas every now and then so the story advances in a "standard" way.

There are small decisions based on actions in certain scenarios like shooting or not someone or listening to instructions on a radio or not, they have very slim differences between one or the other sides but they're here and that's something.

Desert, a cool place to go and hard to navigate

In need of a better way to explain, the game has "layers" from the basic way of telling you about anything that happens to dive in the mind of the protagonist, be immersed on different topics and the context of war crimes, a lot to offer and a giant window to free interpretation.

Without diving to much on spoilers, that's the basics of the game, nothing more to add without some time in so better keep the surprises safe and sound.

The Gameplay & World Structure:

From the way of playing, the controls are pretty basic, a standard over the shoulder squad shooter, that's it.

We have a melee attack, some orders we can give to our partners, diverse weaponry but basic stuff, shotguns, rifles, automatic guns and pistols nothing to crazy, a missile launcher and a grenade launcher every couple of hours maybe.

We have a cover system classic to the era, grenades and the automatic health restoration if we take cover and don't receive damage in a while.

Our HUD is pretty simple but functional, the screen become bloody the more damage we get and we can have 2 weapons with us

As the world structure also is simple, we have levels divided by chapters and every one of them follows the same style.

We follow a path very linear with little zones to explore, every couple of rooms we have to fight some enemies and keep moving forward, sometimes we have changes of gameplay but they're very spaced and are only a few.

Fighting with turrets, mortars, destroying vehicles, snipers or narrative walks that are explaining something, that's the point of inflexibility, if you don't like the repetitive nature of the gameplay then the game probably will not be as enjoyable as I wanted to.

A great point in favor of the game is the scenery, I don't have memory of other games that present a city destroyed by sand with the impact as this one

The final unique particularity is that around the battlefields exists breakable environment that make sand fall over the enemies or trap them somewhere so as a mechanic is pretty useful and original given the context where we are.

In Conclusion:

The strongest part of this game is the story and the message that it tries to give to you.

Personally I have some problems with the way they intended to control how you must feel around certain actions because you can preview some of these things and still can't do nothing about it, strong message but could have been a little but more consistent.

Recommended for the story but the gameplay drags down the experience a lot so you must build patient and enjoy the ride.

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Spoiler alert:

To nobody secret the game has ticks of war and patriotism tainted by the regular "action hero" and I consider that Walker works pretty well in this context, the problem is that certain parts of the game aren't in your control and it's somewhat easy to see what's going on.

Things like your own country soldiers attacking you and nobody would try to figure a way to talk or the part where you blindly attack a lot of people that is pretty obvious that aren't enemies is bad for the message because the game is making me feel bad for something that obligated me to do.

Don't mistake me, the message is gold for what's trying to say and left open certain things to become material for interpretation, an invaluable asset for an analysis of the ideals of the writting but for today that is outside my capabilities so it is what it is.

That's it for today hope you liked this review and we see you on the next one.
