Article - The Toxicity & Teamwork - Two Sides Of The Same Coin (PT I)

Welcome to a new article on this blog(Will be divided in parts), hope you like this new style, but first if your answer to any of the next questions are yes then this specific topic is for you.

At some point in your gaming session came across a toxic person?

You have been target of insults, threats or mockery because your participation in a online match?

Being the new one on a match was practically a capital sin?

Well I won't repair that damage but I will share some of the results of my study sessions on the toxicity of three specific games that share a common denominator, stick around and know the conclusions.

Just for a measure, LoL alone used to hold more than 150 millions of account with constantly 111 millions of active players , the chart shows the increased on the Covid Lockdown of active players.

The topic of this time is something that I worked on for a few weeks, after some chats with lot of people, gaming on a lot of "toxic" environments and tanking quite a big chunk of insults, threats of dead and things like that, I am ready to share my findings.

The three games that I selected was Overwatch, League Of Legends and Dead By Daylight, yes I will work with three greatly different games because they share a mechanic essential for this article to work.

I was doing nice but the 2/7 game got me some new haters and one specifically persistent to 1v1 me to show me who's the boss showing that nobody sees anything else than the numbers on the competitive scenarios

The teamwork that plays against the team:

This is my most important premise for the article to make sense, the three games share the importance of teamwork.

The twist are if one or more teammates are incapable of holding their own weight, the whole team will be probably drag down, but almost any team works like that, right?

Hold that thought, in a brief resume if you're an absolutely master on these games you have the chance to carry the whole game by yourself but this are extremely stressful and hard to pull but that's alright, in the other side there's also people that want to win right?

Yes but that's not my whole point, let's continue a little more.

That's why I didn't choose games like Rainbow Six or Counter Strike because an expert teammate can easily carry the team if the enemies aren't on the same level of skill.

My first point is that the players only judge by cold numbers, as I put the example before, I had bad numbers, yeah but nobody cared about the assists or the help around the map, I had less kills than deaths and automatically I was the worst player ever.

For example this game is from OW2, I had some teammates issues, our tank(me) wasn't exactly bad but the enemy tank was doing more big numbers so I got all the hate because my numbers weren't as good as the enemy.

This applies correctly on OW and LoL but how the DBD numbers matter, for anyone that don't know this game, you win points by doing actions positive for the team, but you're always being chased by a cold killer (a player).

The toxicity on this game by numbers are because when you're being chased you win a lot less points that repairing gens or anything at all, so if the killer never let you off the hook and your team did everything else, all can escape but you will be branded as the useless (the majority of times).

The Reason Of So Much Toxicity On Team Work Games:

With the first point down, the next one is more important I think, when the error of an individual affects heavily on the team the toxicity is unavoidable.

Let's start with the games I selected, every one of them has this feature, when a bad player is on your team the game is almost done.

In OW and LoL are easier to explain but in Dbd the fact that one or more of your teammates are bad or easier to catch, makes the game much more difficult to win it, if you're an expert, from the three games this is the easier to carry(but that don't mean that is easy to do).

In DGR you can also lose because a teammate trolls you or don't know what are doing but why that community is so chill and welcoming to the newbies?, the elitist people are almost inexistent on this game

So what's with the toxicity and the gameplay, well that's the point, based on luck and nothing more, you need that 3 - 4 persons are average at least to have a chance to win a game.

The problem starts because the three games share the burden of winning the game from diverse angles that you must cover, in Lol the different lanes, in OW the role and in Dbd if you're the chased one or the engineer of repairing gens.

The toxicity starts from that responsibility, you can't control or influence a lot on the outcome of the other players but that outcome will heavily influence your own burden, follow me on the example.

In Lol you get gold and buy items, that means more numerical power(raw power) if you kill a lot your enemies you get way more gold and be far stronger but the same applies for the enemies.

In OW as you are prisoner of your own role, you must carry successfully your task as a tank, healer or DPS but that only works if everyone do their part.

With the three mechanics explained, the stress of doing a good job on your side tends to make you a more harsh reactions person and that mood are the indicated to brew the toxicity.

The fuel to that toxicity are the direct impact of the outcome on your side of the job and that's it, the reason for these communities toxic reputation are on the light.

The game planning of teamwork makes for a wonderful experience of cool combos, interactions and surviving more easily, the core of that gameplay is that the better player gains advantage over their rival and the fact of luck behind your teammates skill are the direct deposit for frustrating sessions of gaming.

This is it for today, a lot to say is still around, how the skill based matchmaking plays a role here, why games with very different gameplay and ideas share the same type&level of toxicity, why the not toxic players tends more to become the problem instead of the solution, stay tuned this will continue.

Thanks for reaching the end, we hope that you like more investigative content for diversification of the blog, any questions, concern or feedback feel free to reach us out.

See you on the next one.

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